The Journey

On May 4, 1959, a planning meeting was held at Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Nanney’s home to plan for a new Church in Seaford. Like all great spiritual movements, prayer-filled faith motivated this small group as they gathered to discover what God wanted to do in Seaford, DE. By faith Grace Baptist Church had its first service on June 14, 1959. As people continued to move by faith, prayer, and action God continued to bless through spiritual and numerical growth. Grace officially became a constituted church on February 26, 1961. Before long the local Gathering needed more space and on February 10, 1960, a half-acre lot on Atlanta Road was purchased for a future site to house God’s increase. A new church building was erected on November 6, 1977, and this local gathering ceased their wandering. God continued to bless this Gathering of faithful, prayerful people and several more expansion projects were completed up until 1997. Like many churches in American, Grace began to experience a decline in membership. Grace’s decline was coupled closely with the close of Seaford’s largest manufacturing industry: DuPont. The close of this manufacturing plant had dramatic impacts on the culture and Grace Seaford felt the impact as well. This decline continued until April of 2014. The heart-filled prayer that launched Grace was fanned into a flame as a few leaders gathered and asked God to do a new work. Their humble prayer was one where they told God they would do whatever was necessary to see Him move again among the people of Seaford. God answered their prayer and Grace began to grow spiritually and numerically again. The church experienced 165% growth that year and continues to grow and expand as they passionately surrender to their Lord. Grace wants every person who now visits to experience God’s love and spiritual growth!